The Worldpackers Academy is an online school for travelers, created especially by engaged travelers and content creators who have traveled extensively and know how to have more freedom and flexibility during their trips! 🌎
- How can I have access to the content?
- Do all Academy courses offer certificates?
- I completed a course but did not receive the certificate
- What is the certificate that appears in the host's listing?
- I've purchased a WP Academy track, but I want to change my plan
How can I have access to the content?
The Worldpackers Academy is divided into three tracks:
- Traveling with Worldpackers - Learn how to travel the world and develop new skills for travel and life!
- Planning and Budgeting for Travel - Everything you need to know to travel while spending less, including financial planning, itineraries, languages, and more!
- Make a Living While Traveling as a Lifestyle - Learn about the different paths of people who travel while working so that you can have a life with more freedom and purpose.
The Traveling with Worldpackers track is free, and all community members have access to it, just create a profile on the platform and start learning!
The Make a Living While Traveling as a Lifestyle and Planning and Budgeting for Travel tracks are sold separately, and you can purchase each one for USD 39. By choosing them, you have total access to all content available for 12 months, which can be extended if there is any special promotion.
It's possible to purchase another track or upgrade to the Pack plan or Pack Plus at any time without changing your access to the trail content you purchased.
Do all Academy courses offer certificates?
In addition to learning a lot from other community travelers, many courses generate a certificate upon completion, which is available on your profile so that hosts or other community members can also see them normally.
The courses that generate certificates are signaled with Ben, our mascot, wearing a graduation cap and the certificate icon:
The courses that do not issue certificates are signaled with Ben without the cap and do not mention certificates:
I completed a course, but I did not receive the certificate.
If you have completed a course but did not receive the certificate, please first check if the completed course offers a certificate. In the section "Do all Academy courses offer a certificate?" we explain how to find out if a course offers it or not.
Additionally, if the course does offer a certificate, it's important to know that only 100% progress entitles you to the certificate, and the platform's intelligence identifies if the traveler skips the video progress.
Please check your internet connection, make sure you have watched 100% of the lessons and, if everything is correct but you still haven't received the certificate, please contact our team informing us of what happened and in which course, so we can assist you 💙
What is this certificate that appears in the host's listing?
Some hosts offer certificates for help and participation in their projects that are delivered after the experience. You can check if the host offers any type of certificate in the "What the host offers" fields on each listing.
If you participate in an experience where the host states in the listing that they offer a certificate, we recommend that you speak directly with him to learn more about the certificate and how to obtain it.
I've purchased a WP Academy track, but I want to change my plan
It's not possible to change from the Academy plan to the Trips plan or to change the chosen track. Not to worry, you can purchase another track or the Worldpackers Trips plan, or upgrade to the Pack or Pack Plus plan to have access to the hosts and put into practice all the knowledge you acquire with our courses. 😊
It's also possible to cancel your purchase if it's according to our Plan Cancellation Policy.