There are several factors that can influence the number of applications you receive.
1) The shorter the length of stay, the more applications you will receive
Most of our travelers have between 2 to 4 weeks to travel, so have in mind that fewer people will apply if you request them to stay longer than 4 weeks!
2) Do not set any requirements that are not 100% necessary
The more requirements you add, the fewer people that see your position. So when you're creating or editing the position, keep an eye on the reach bar. The higher the percentage, the more travelers will be able to see and apply for your position.
3) View how travelers see your profile
Are the pictures beautiful? Can travelers actually see what the place looks like? And the description you wrote? Does it sound interesting and reliable to you?
Travelers usually want to know everything before they apply. So choose photos that show how your place really is, including where they will sleep. Also, be honest when describing your place and the position.
Go to “Profile” → “Manage profile” → “View as traveler”. You’ll then be redirected to your profile page, where your positions will be shown. Click on the links to your position(s) and done! That is how travelers see your profile!
4) Make sure your calendar has available dates for travelers to apply
Make sure your calendar is available to receive applications. An up-to-date calendar saves you time because you will only receive applications for when you actually need volunteers!
5) A good position offers at least accommodation, one meal, and free laundry
Make sure to offer travelers awesome rewards besides accommodation.
6) Some cities and countries are more popular among our travelers than others
If you're in a touristy area, you'll probably receive more applications. Besides that, most of our travelers are from Latin America and Europe and they tend to apply more to places that are on the same continent.
In this case, there is nothing you can do to solve this, but it is important that you understand this may be the case for some locations. We assure you that we are working hard to bring more and more travelers to our platform, to promote less touristy destinations, and to provide volunteers wherever they are needed.