To maintain our promise to connect the most committed travelers with the most responsive hosts, it’s essential that our open positions list on the platform is up to date. Therefore, we analyzed the hosts’ active participation in the platform taking into consideration the number of applications that were answered within a certain period. This process is performed once a month and covers the entire host base.
A host account can be automatically paused temporarily due to inactivity if it meets any of the criteria below:
Receive 9 or more applications and not answer any application in the last 30 days
Receive the sum of 9 or more applications and not answer any application in the last 90 days
The account can be reactivated on the platform by the host itself at any time after the notification, as long as they agree to actively participate in our platform again.
- Why is it important to answer volunteer applications?
- How do I know how my activity is on the platform?
- What happens to an account while it’s paused?
Why is it important to answer volunteer applications?
The travelers and hosts commitment is one of the key elements of a good collaborative experience - and it starts long before they meet in person at the project.
For travelers, the experience begins the moment they submit their applications to the hosts they identify with the most. That is: it’s a moment full of expectations on the travelers’ side, who expect to receive a reply from the hosts within the 4 days stipulated on the platform.
For projects, the experience begins the moment they set and review their needs - including the dates when they will need help from volunteers - to ensure they’ll save time to answer applications at the right time.
How do I know how my activity is on the platform?
You can check all the information regarding your activity in "Profile" > "My performance as a Host" > "My activity on the platform".
What happens to an account while it’s paused?
During the pause period, the positions offered will be closed, making it impossible for new applications to be made until the host reactivates the account. However, applications that have already been received, regardless of the arrival date, remain unchanged - including trips that have already been confirmed and pre-approvals.
If you have any questions about how the platform tools work, you can count on our team to help you either through content and tips or, in some cases, by contacting us through our Help Center.
+ See here our Policy for the Quality and Safety of Experiences