We always want to provide the best experience for travelers and hosts. However, we know that sometimes things get out of hand and unexpected situations happen.
Therefore, we have a support team available to help travelers and hosts during these moments if necessary. In cases where the responsibility for the experience being different than the previous agreements falls entirely on the host, travelers are entitled to use our Worldpackers Safeguard.
WP Safeguard is valid if the host disrespects what was previously agreed on the Worldpackers platform, infrastructure, relationship issues during the experience or in extreme issues cases. In these situations, we help travelers find a new experience, a process that we call relocation. During this search, we can also offer the volunteer up to 3 nights of accommodation in a shared room in a local hostel.
If the traveler is also responsible for what happened, they’re not eligible to use our WP Safeguard, but our support team will help them find the best solution for this situation.
We remind you that bothe the host and the traveler have the right to end the experience at any moment. In these cases, we ask you to get in touch with us so we can help you in the best way possible.