When a host does not comply with what was agreed upon on the platform or doesn't provide a satisfactory experience for the volunteer, we offer the Worldpackers Safeguard (subject to the team approval) to the traveler, in which we help them find a new host and, if necessary, reimburse nights spent in a shared hostel room.
Click here to read more about Worldpackers Safeguard Policy
To assist the traveler in finding a new host, our support team will contact other hosts in the same region or nearby locations where the volunteer can easily and safely move to.
If our team contacts you to receive a volunteer urgently, don't worry! We don't relocate travelers who have caused problems elsewhere. We only contact when the responsibility for the situation lies entirely with the previous host, not the traveler.
The contact for relocation purposes is exclusively through the platform inbox, and the support agent will be signalized so that you recognize that is someone from our team.